I found the romper from Fleabag and I love it

I am not one to jump on every fashion trend, but I’ll admit that I’ve been eyeing jumpsuits for a while.

Do they even call them jumpsuits? You know what I mean… the one-piece pants numbers.

I guess in the US, most people refer to it as a romper. I happen to hate that term because I am not a toddler.

I know the cool kids have been all about these adult onesies for years. I once had to zip a younger colleague up the back when she wore a business onesie thing to a big meeting out of town. I’ve seen other Millennials wear them proudly to events – even strapless ones.

I already had one in my closet. I once got myself a cute, loose, hippie-ish version with spaghetti straps to wear in the summertime with a swimsuit under it. I haven’t worn it yet, but I love it. It just hangs in my closet waiting for the perfect summer day.

And now, I have found myself the PERFECT Fleabag jumpsuit/romper to wear for dressier occasions.

This one truly is perfect. It’s black and cut exactly like Fleabag’s except, well, for curves. AND IT WAS ON SALE!! Normally $80-ish, I got it for $18 and change. I was elated. I still didn’t know if I could pull it off, but I was elated.

Would this be another fashion conquest to languish in my closet, or would I actually wear this one? This morning I told Z I needed her opinion about something, and I proudly put it on for the first time.

It was love at first try-on, friends. Soft, stretchy, sleek, easy to get into and out of, and dare I say slimming… it fit me PERFECTLY. I immediately started feeling brilliant and naughty, just like Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

I walked downstairs to show Z and her face said it all. She viciously curled her lip and said, “Um, no Mom. Take that off. That does NOT look good on you.” I asked her for more input, but she declined to elaborate. She can be lovely and sweet, that one, but she can also be quite unpleasant. I must have caught her at an off moment.

Still, I refused to let her crush my spirit. Then hubby walked in, and it could have become a multi-car pile-up on my emotions at that point… but you know what? He said he liked it.

I think he’ll like my cheeky new Fleabag persona, too!

(By the way, if you’re not getting all these Fleabag references, please get yourself to Amazon Prime and watch the best TV show you’ve seen in years – possibly ever. Prepare to fall in love with Fleabag and her hot priest. Yes, I said priest – just go watch it, both seasons, and then cry for a while, and then come back and tell me how much you love it.)

I’m wearing my new one-piece outfit to our festive holiday dinner in an igloo next week. I’ll be sure to take pics and report back so you can judge for yourself whether I can pull this off.

But in general, I think trying new things is good and if it’s comfortable and I like it, then it shouldn’t matter what the hostile ten-year-old critic says, right!?

I’m hoping Z will come around and decide it looks nice on me – but if she doesn’t, c’est la vie. I’m simply too old to care!


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About the author

Proud and loving midlife mama. Lucky and devoted wife. Dog, cat and snake mom. Travel nut. Natural born writer. PR and social media pro by day - tattoo doula by night.


  1. Hi Lara! Could you please share where you got your perfect replica jumpsuit? Have been searching far and wide until I stumbled on your lovely post 🙂
    Thanks! Warm regards – Carolin

    1. Hi Carolin, I got it from Nordstrom! It was a while ago and on clearance so I’m not sure if they still have it – but they may have restocked them. Good luck in your search! 🙂

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