July 1, 2023 My new love of the dam stairs I used to really hate the dam stairs. We are lucky to live close to the amazing Alum Creek Dam in Lewis Center –…
June 21, 2023 Have you ever wanted to try sensory deprivation? Last Christmas, I gave my husband and daughter a unique experience gift. E, like most guys, can be a little hard to buy for…
May 20, 2023 When it’s vacation time, but someone gets sick Our little family just returned from another unforgettable vacation in beautiful Kauai. However, I don’t remember a lot from the first few days as…
March 18, 2023 I just donated platelets for the first time I’ve been a blood donor for many years. In fact, I’m about to hit the personal milestone of 4 gallons donated in my lifetime….
March 8, 2023 How to nail the “birds and the bees” talk with kids It is so hard to know when to have “the talk” with your kids. You know – THAT talk. The one that makes every…
February 15, 2023 We don’t do yoga, but we love yoga toys We are big fans of yoga toys in this house. We’re fans of yoga too, but we don’t actually practice it. If you must…
February 6, 2023 What I’ve learned from 20 years of not drinking Yesterday was my 20-year soberversary. I have been officially committed to not drinking since 20 years ago yesterday. I didn’t quit drinking because of…
February 4, 2023 Stick & poke tattoos are illegal, unsafe and bad for teens Long gone are the days when our biggest parenting worry was that kids might use crayons on the walls. Older kids have far more…
January 27, 2023 4 things you need in your self-care toolbox I’ve always found it amazing that we’re taught so many things in school and life, but not the most important things of all. For…
January 21, 2023 Tips for parents when your child is hospitalized Sometimes, even the strongest and healthiest kiddos need to be hospitalized. For me personally, it was for a tonsillectomy at age 5 and then…