“Yes, And” is more than a bop from Ariana Grande

If you’re an Ari fan like us, you’ve probably heard “Yes, And” – a highly dance-able tune from her latest album.

I already had this song running through my head when I stumbled upon a business article about the power of the words “Yes, And.

It turns out that “Yes, And” is a method from improvisational theatre said to improve the effectiveness of brainstorming, foster effective communication and encourage the free sharing of ideas. It’s also a handy business communication tool – almost a life hack.

Upon further reflection, I realized that I’ve used “Yes, And” in my own life to great success without even realizing it. I learned something similar to “Yes, And” during my Trevor Project training. It’s a great way to respond to someone without negating what they’re saying.

When someone proposes an idea, our response tends to be either positive or negative; we either accept and agree with their idea, or we shoot it down.

The power of “Yes, And” is that we don’t have to agree with their idea, but we can still validate it. The “Yes” part of the statement is validating; people hear that and feel their idea was good and that we liked it.

The “And” part of the statement allows us to adjust their idea to make it more palatable – or build on it with an idea of our own. With “Yes, And” together in one statement, everyone wins.

It can be hard to feel like our partner always negates our ideas. By asking them to use “Yes, And” when responding to us, it can open up opportunities to collaborate on even better ideas and plans.

“Yes, And” can also be a useful internal or reflective tool for framing our life stories and experiences for maximum empowerment. To use examples from my own life:

  • Yes, I’ve broken free from diet culture and dieting AND I derive so many benefits from moving my body and increasing my fitness
  • Yes, I hate living so far away from my aging parents AND it makes our time together all the more joyful when we visit each other.
  • Yes, I love to travel AND I adore being at home and spending time with our pets.

Balance is good. “Yes, And” can provide balance where we didn’t even realize we needed it.

Try “Yes, And” today and see if it works for you!

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About the author

Proud and loving midlife mama. Lucky and devoted wife. Dog, cat and snake mom. Travel nut. Natural born writer. PR and social media pro by day - tattoo doula by night.
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