I don’t know who first had the idea or when we first started talking about it, but for years my husband and daughter have joked about throwing me a pony party for my 50th birthday.
I’m pretty sure it started as just a goofy joke, but then when I got super excited about the idea, at some point it must have become an actual plan.
I didn’t know for sure that they were going to move ahead with it, but once in a while my beloved daughter would let slip that they were planning a big surprise for my 50th and I secretly had a feeling it would involve ponies.
I thought it was hilarious and so sweet that they were plotting together to celebrate me. I honestly wasn’t worried about the details – I knew they would do a great job with whatever they had planned.
When the evening before my big day rolled around, those two were in a state of fervor and much secrecy. There were hours where they both disappeared into E’s office and told me to “go watch a Mommy movie.”
There were lots of whispered conversations, giggles and secretive notes passed. It was quite the conspiracy! I had no idea what they had planned, but I could tell they had put a lot of thought into it and I knew I’d love it.
When the morning of my 50th birthday dawned, I heard the two of them get up and head downstairs together. I smelled the heavenly aroma of breakfast being cooked as I relaxed in bed. Suddenly, I was surprised by E & Z, both dressed to the nines, arriving at my bedside with a tray full of delicious looking food and a vase with roses! I sat up, ate my wonderful breakfast and thanked them profusely.
After I showered and got ready for the day, they led me downstairs where more flowers, cards and gifts were waiting. They had both made me beautiful hand-made art cards and thoughtful gifts!
They took me outside to show me a lawn filled with pink flamingos – yes, I’d been “flocked” by a dear friend! – and another gift on the doorstep. Flowers soon arrived by Fed Ex – orchids from my brother and the Cali crew. I was in heaven!
We took the dogs for a walk all together as a family, and as the birthday girl I didn’t have to pick up or carry ANY poop. It was delightful!
Then we took some family pictures to celebrate my big day, and they unveiled an enormous and gorgeous rainbow unicorn birthday cake!
As I was oohing and ahhing over the cake, they put candles on the top and then whipped open a laptop to reveal dear my family and friends from five states all convened on a video call to sing happy birthday to me! It was by far the best birthday surprise ever – I was near tears until we all hung up, and then I bawled like a baby.
After the call, E cooked up a gourmet lunch and they told me they had a fun nature hike planned for the afternoon – and a ride in hubby’s gorgeous purple HellCat, my favorite car. I was psyched!
I changed out of my cute birthday dress into comfy, hiking appropriate clothes. We hopped in the HellCat and roared up north toward Amish country. I wasn’t sure where we were going hiking, and they were staying very quiet about our destination.
Soon we arrived in a gorgeous, hilly and very green area near Belleville. E pulled up a long gravel driveway (this alone shocked me – he wouldn’t normally take his “baby” the HellCat on a gravel drive!).
When we reached the top, I saw my biggest birthday surprise of all: a gorgeous brown pony waiting for me with bows, sparkles, glitter and rainbow hair extensions. It was time for the pony party of my dreams! I was speechless!
We spent the next two hours brushing, petting, decorating and loving on several ponies including Beauty, who was big enough for Z to ride, and Sweetpea, who was little and gorgeous and ornery. We had the best time!
Karen, our host from Pony Party Express, was so very gracious and generous with us. She even brought out a third equine, a tiny little mini horse named Midnight, so we could pet and give her treats.
E and Z explained to me that since January, they had planned a fun pony party at our house with all my friends and their kiddos… but that Corona had swept in and destroyed all their plans. Karen couldn’t bring the ponies to us because of the stay at home order… but, she was still able to host the three of us at her place and throw a pony party just for us. So that’s what they went with!
I had so much fun watching Zoe ride Beauty around all afternoon, seeing E walk sassy Sweetpea, and petting Midnight the tiny little mini horse. I loved Beauty for how kind and gentle she was, I adored Sweetpea because she was Beyonce-gorgeous and just so ornery, and I thought Midnight was just adorable. We had a wonderful day!
One of the highlights was getting to paint Beauty’s hooves with pink glitter and put rainbow hair extensions in her mane and tail. She was simply wonderful and thoroughly enjoyed having us mess with her and pet her – she reminded me of our dog Autumn in temperament!
Sweetpea, on the other hand, reminded me of our dog Dani – utterly adorable and rotten.
If you’re thinking about a pony party for kids or even a fun-loving adult, I highly recommend Karen and Pony Party Express. We had such a fun time and you can’t go wrong having the shindig either at her property in Belleville or at your own home. We loved having the ability to ride and walk the ponies around in a safe enclosure, and getting to see Karen’s other horses and ponies.
What’s your dream birthday party like – and does it involve as much pomp and circumstance as they surprised me with for my 50th? I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
Leave me a comment below if you have ideas for how I can top this for E’s 50th next year – I am sure he’d rather have a horsepower-themed party than one with actual horses.
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