No one ever tells you this could be your last time

I got to chaperone a school field trip this week and had a blast.

Honestly, I was just so honored to be invited to tag along. When I got the email from the teacher saying that Z had asked if I could attend, I was so touched.

It had been years since I have been asked by my kiddo to chaperone a field trip. No one ever tells you that part of parenting will end, but it does.

Like so many hidden milestones in parenting, you never know it’s the last time until you suddenly realize it has been years since they asked you to do something.

Long ago, when she was in summer daycare, there were field trips every week. I couldn’t always go, as I worked full-time in those days, but I went as often as I could. When she was in grade school, I also tried to participate as much as a working parent feasibly can.

It’s ironic that now that she’s in middle school and rarely wants parental involvement, I have a part-time schedule and a lot more flexibility. I was thrilled to be asked and be able to give a resounding “yes!”

The truth is, I would drop just about anything to be able to spend time with Z at her request. I know E feels the same way.

The pumpkin farm that day was fun – who wouldn’t love a hay ride and picking out gorgeous gourds under a beautiful fall sky. We were the only people there and let me tell you, Leeds Farm is an awesome place to have all to yourself.

But my favorite part was just being with Z and her friends. I loved getting to see her laugh and have fun in the autumn sunshine. Seeing middle and high schoolers act like kids again was a joy. Feeding cute goats was an added bonus.

I especially loved every time she yelled “come on, mom!” to get me to catch up to her little group. One time, she even grabbed my hand; truly a thrilling moment for any middle schooler parent.

I tried not to be the annoying mom, always snapping pictures, but I did get a couple of cute shots. Most of all, I just soaked in every moment. I realized that this could truly be the last time I ride on a school bus with her and chaperone a school field trip.

If that’s the case, I’m okay with it. I’m just glad I had this one last opportunity to truly cherish and appreciate the experience before she’s too old to want her mom tagging along.

I’ll never forget bumping along in an old school bus, happily listening to Z and her friends laugh and joke on the way to the pumpkin patch that bright October day. Was this my last time riding a school bus? It might have been.

When was the last time you got to chaperone a school field trip? Why did no one ever tell us that it would be one of the highlights of our parenting journey – and that it would be over all too soon?

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About the author

Proud and loving midlife mama. Lucky and devoted wife. Dog, cat and snake mom. Travel nut. Natural born writer. PR and social media pro by day - tattoo doula by night.
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