February 20, 2025 6 things everyone should know about co-regulation In times as stressful and uncertain as these, it’s good to know about co-regulation: a way to give comfort, support and safety to those…
August 2, 2023 Highly sensitive people are angels on earth It’s not easy growing up as a highly-sensitive child (HSC). When parents know our children are HSCs, we can parent gently and help meet…
April 2, 2022 How to tell if you have an Indigo child We’ve known for years that Journey is a highly sensitive child. Honestly, I wish I’d known even earlier as it would have helped us…
August 30, 2021 Being hangry is no joke for highly sensitive kids Our family talked about being “hangry” before it was a commonly heard word. Hungry + angry is never a good combination but it can…
May 26, 2021 Can highly sensitive people save the world? I’ve written before about our kiddo being a highly sensitive child and likely an empath, but I’m not sure I’ve ever acknowledged that my…
March 8, 2021 How to cause trauma to a highly sensitive child The kiddo and I had some good bonding and conversation time recently, and Z began to regale me with very funny, dramatic tales of…
January 9, 2021 How can heavy work help sensitive kids? I am always on the hunt for parenting tips, tricks and techniques that can help smooth our family’s path. Having a highly sensitive child…
May 18, 2020 Is your child highly sensitive? I’m sure every parent feels their child is special and unique, with a set of characteristics – mostly positive, a few not so great…