I must have sounded pretty down in one of my recent blog posts, because I had several people call or message me to check in and make sure I was okay. That meant a lot to me – thank you so much, friends and fam, for being so awesome!
That said, I seem to have discovered a cure for my Coronavirus melancholy, because I’ve been feeling a whole lot better since I wrote that post. The sunshine helps; we’ve had some really glorious spring days here in Columbus.
I’ve had a few other helpers, too, in the form of a new mom and her four adorable newborn babes.
I’m talking, of course, about the foster cat and kittens we took in last week from our local shelter, the Humane Society of Delaware County. We’ve fostered kittens before, in both 2016 and 2019, and we always love it. The biggest issue is simply time; it can be hard to fit in care and socialization of sweet foster kitties with two busy, working parents plus a kiddo with plenty of extracurriculars.
Currently, though, time is not a problem. We’re all here and can’t go anywhere – plus I’m not working at the moment – so the timing is absolutely perfect for fostering. The mama cat is a joy, her kittens are a pure delight, and none of us have felt down or sad since their arrival in our home.
We picked up the mama cat (formerly known as Jalene, but renamed the first day as Galaxy) and her four tiny kitten beans on April 3. The kittens were just one day old! Zoe named them all on day one: Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn. We won’t know whether they are boys or girls for a few more days, but those names should work regardless.
As of this posting, we are coming up on the one week mark, and these tiny kittens grow and develop every day. Their little ear flaps are unfolding, their eyes should be opening any day now, and they become more mobile by the minute! I’m posting a ton of kitten content on my Facebook and Instagram feeds, so be sure to follow me if you’d like a daily dose of kitten cuteness.
We have an adoptive mom lined up for the two biggest kittens, Mars (mostly red/ginger with white spots) and Jupiter (mostly white with peach/buff spots). I have possible takers for the other two kittens, too… although Z is working on her dad pretty hard to let her keep one kitten or Galaxy, the mom. We shall see!
What are you finding these days to help soothe your troubled mind, ease your Corona-related anxiety or boost your mood? I know the kittens have helped out a ton in that regard at our house. I’m hoping you are able to find a similar panacea wherever you are!
If you have your own cat or kitten stories, I’m all ears in the comments below or over on Facebook. And I’ll be sure to post more updates about these little guys here or on my social channels. Kittens may not directly help solve the current Coronavirus mess, but they certainly are a nice antidote to feeling sad or blue about it.
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