As the snow piles up outside and temperatures plummet, this Tattoo Doula has one thing on her mind: booking my next tattoo appointment!
Some people might think about getting tattooed in warmer weather when you can wear fewer layers and show off all your ink. Not me.
In my experience, having gotten tattooed in probably every season and climate, winter is the best time for sure.
Here are my top five reasons to get tattooed in winter:
1. Wearing layers helps protect healing tattoos. Whether you heal your tattoos by applying a thin layer of unscented, pure lotion each day, or through the “leave it the F alone” method, keeping it covered up makes a lot of sense either way. A soft cotton (or other natural fiber) outer layer will help protect that fresh ink from dirt and other outside influences that could hinder healing. And it’s easier to stay covered up in winter.
2. Stay out of the water. Getting tattooed means staying out of the ocean, pool, hot tub and sun – and it’s a lot easier to do that in the wintertime. There’s nothing worse than getting a tattoo in the heat of summer and then having to avoid pools and beaches for a month. Get your tattoos in the winter instead – especially now, when you can’t take a fab spring break trip to the islands due to the ‘rona.
3. We’re usually less active in winter. It’s only natural to hibernate a little when it’s cold outside. If you’re going to Netflix and chill under some cozy blankets, you may as well heal a tattoo while you do it. Plus, we tend to sweat less in winter overall, and sweating a lot with a new tattoo is no bueno. Cuddle up, heal that tattoo and before you know it, spring will be here.
4. Getting and healing tattoos helps winter go faster! If you’re like me, after the Christmas season, winter loses some of its sparkle. I always find myself wishing winter would hurry up and leave so we can get to spring. Rather than wishing your days away, get tattooed and then you can spend the colder months healing. By spring and summer, you’ll be ready to show that baby off.
5. Last but not least, shops may be less busy in winter. Because people tend to stay home more and may not be thinking about tattoos in wintertime, shops and artists may have more availability during the colder months. Hey, it’s worth a shot, right?
Looks like we’re all in agreement that you should get tattooed this winter. I know I will – so keep an eye on my TattooDoula Instagram account for fresh ink photos and stories very soon.
Looking for more tattoo collecting tips and advice? Check out the Tattoo Collecting 101 podcast. I was a recent guest (episode 21) and also really enjoy listening to Fawn and Jordan each week.