Do you believe prayer or chanting really works?

Prayer. Chanting. Manifestation. Miracles.

There are many words for mystical means of reaching goals or making dreams come true. If you don’t like all this woo-woo stuff, this post might not be for you.

When I was a child and through my early 20s, I believed in the power of prayer. I would pray to ask God for something to happen – or for something not to happen. It always reassured me to pray.

After Christianity and I gradually parted ways later in my 20s, I became a bit new age-y. In other words, less a believer in prayer and more a believer in making good things happen by staying positive and manifesting.

I’ve always been a big believer in miracles – and I’m good at spotting everyday miracles in our lives.

I’m not a huge Law of Attraction person, but I do feel that embodying the confidence and feeling of already having the thing you desire can manifest or bring it into reality. I don’t know how or why, but this has proven true multiple times in my life.

I think the universe knows that I am VERY open to good things, magic and miracles happening… and so good things happen.

In recent years, I’ve found my way to Buddhism and the mystical practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I’ve been amazed at how quickly it seems to bring about the good things I’m hoping and working towards. Many others have discovered the transformative power of chanting – including the one and only Tina Turner.

Here’s the thing. Chanting feels odd when you first do it. Odd, but good – it feels peaceful, meditative and calming. It feels even better when you do it in community with other practicing Buddhists.

And chanting truly does seem to work magic or miracles in your life!

I was told by other Buddhists to chant for things that I want to happen in my life. Anytime I’ve done that, I’ve been utterly blown away by the results. It does feel like there’s a mystical, universal force at work somehow – and that it likes to hear monotone, multi-syllabic chanting.

I know that doesn’t make sense. The intellectual or logical side of my brain isn’t at all comfortable with it. But perhaps we just have to trust it? After all, that’s what faith requires.

I found a quote once that really resonated with me:

In religion, we call it spirit. In science, we call it energy. In the streets, we call it vibes. All I’m saying is trust it.

I guess what I’m saying in this post is that I DO trust it… but part of me still has doubts.

Maybe that’s why I have struggled to get into a daily chanting or meditation habit. I like doing it. It feels like a gentle form of self-care. It brings me peace and the chanting does seem to quickly manifest good things for me and for the people I love. But on some level, I guess I still feel a little weird about it?

To me, prayer, chanting and manifesting with crystals are all basically tapping into the same idea or spiritual concept. It’s putting that intention out into the universe and when you do that, it begins some kind of mystical, positive, forward momentum.

I don’t pretend to know how it works – I just know that it can. And now I just need to get myself into some kind of daily practice to keep this goodness flowing in my life.

Have you been successful in starting a daily spiritual practice? I’d love to hear from you if you have any tips or recommendations!

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About the author

Proud and loving midlife mama. Lucky and devoted wife. Dog, cat and snake mom. Travel nut. Natural born writer. PR and social media pro by day - tattoo doula by night.
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