December 2, 2019 Find peace, love and salt therapy at Tranquility Salt Cave How often do you get to recline back on a lounger in gorgeous, ethereal surroundings and just relax and breathe for 45 minutes? Not…
October 22, 2019 I have to quit Whole 30. I love the way I feel on Whole 30. I love preparing and eating clean foods, feeling powerful and in control, and seeing my…
August 23, 2019 Real talk about this menopause sh*t This one’s for all my ladies age 40 and up. Can we talk about this menopause and perimenopause crap? Because it feels like no…
April 6, 2019 I used to ride a motorcycle. Last summer when I checked out the current electric scooter craze, I was reminded of my wild and crazy days as a motorcyclist. Yes,…
November 27, 2018 Don’t forget to mammogram! I had one of those “oh crap! I forgot to adult!” moments just before Thanksgiving. Here I was, feeling so thankful, posting all kinds…
July 28, 2018 The truth about dogs and kids I think it’s about time someone blogged about the GOOD side of having dogs and kids. I’ve read a few articles lately that broke…
April 18, 2017 One month ago, we fell. One month ago today, I slipped and fell down hard. I face-planted. I hurt my knees, bit my lip and bashed my head on…
June 9, 2012 Everything matters at Nationwide Children’s Hospital Everyone in central Ohio should visit and tour Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus – one of the top pediatric healthcare institutions in the country….
January 18, 2012 A terrifying lesson in carseat safety When we were pregnant with Zoe and purchasing our first infant carseat, we did our homework and bought a Britax – a brand well known for safety. After…