January 7, 2014 Disney on Ice is back! Are you like me – already sick of winter? For me, the novelty and beauty of snow and ice wears off right around December…
January 5, 2014 Entertaining bigger kids for a week By now, I’ve gotten pretty good at the little kid thing – I know where to take Zoe to let some energy out and…
January 3, 2014 Family fun activities for 2014 Do you have a family fun “bucket list” started for 2014 yet? If not, here’s a great start. I’ve looked back over the past…
January 2, 2014 Snow day fun at Star Lanes Disclaimer: I was generously provided dinner, arcade play time and bowling courtesy of Star Lanes prior to writing this post. That said, my opinions…
December 20, 2013 Friday favorites: fun kid stuff we love Once upon a time, I had a little weekly blog series called Friday Favorites, which then morphed into my “5 thankful things” this past November. Now,…
December 11, 2013 Copy-Kids gets kids to eat veggies Disclaimer: Thanks to Copy-Kids for sending me a review copy of their DVD and making this blog post possible. My daughter had fun eating…
December 5, 2013 A glowing date night review If you’re looking for a romantic, unique date night this winter, I give my highest recommendation to the Bruce Munro: Light experience at Franklin Park…
November 23, 2013 5 belated thankful things This post is part of a blog series that started as my Friday Favorites and then morphed into “5 thankful things” this November. There’s so…
November 21, 2013 Westerville’s Watering Hole The other afternoon, Zoe and I lazed in the pool, played on water slides and swam until we were both exhausted. Was I dreaming…
November 15, 2013 5 more thankful things I used to have a fun little blog series called Friday Favorites. I forgot to add any new posts for a long time. Then,…