May 10, 2022 52 with a 12 year old It’s been exactly ten years since I began this blog and wrote about being 42 with a two-year-old. A lot has changed in the…
April 18, 2022 How to get a neurodivergent tween to clean her room I hate a messy room. When my bedroom is messy, I usually clean it up right away. I know from experience that I like…
March 11, 2022 I’ve got 99 parenting problems: TikTok and Snapchat are one I try to live my life without any regrets. If I have one parenting regret, however, it’s that I let our fourth-grader get on…
August 30, 2021 Being hangry is no joke for highly sensitive kids Our family talked about being “hangry” before it was a commonly heard word. Hungry + angry is never a good combination but it can…
August 12, 2021 Please stop this ride. I want to get off! It’s back to school time. We should be shopping for clothes, picking out backpacks and having some last-minute summer fun to help ease the…
April 25, 2021 Start here if you’re new to parenting a nonbinary or LGBTQIA+ child When Z first came out to us as nonbinary and queer earlier this year, E and I were surprised but I can’t say we…
April 13, 2021 What no one tells you about parenting a nonbinary child That headline I just wrote is somewhat misleading. The truth is, no one tells you ANYTHING about parenting a nonbinary child. Oh sure, if…
December 12, 2020 When one parent is the “bad guy” E and I have been parenting together for more than ten years now, and we’re still learning and growing every day. If you had…
September 2, 2020 I’m not crying, you’re crying Our sweet 5th grader launched this morning like a shooting star, rocketing out of this house and onto the school bus. She was ready….
February 22, 2020 My parenting mantra: kind, loving and firm Parenting is like a video game because as you keep leveling up, it keeps getting harder. As a parent to a newborn, at times…