Each time I purchase and re-pot a precious little succulent, I think grateful thoughts about the class that started my plants hobby: my very first Plant Nite succulents class last year.
Gosh, do you remember back to the days when we all used to go to a class at a restaurant or bar and sit right next to strangers, laughing and talking the night away? We even shared tools and passed each other materials. I’m sure the Plant Nite classes that happen today look pretty different.
But, after a brief hiatus of virtual-only events, the in-person classes are actually happening again – and that’s the good news. If you haven’t been to a Plant Nite class, I highly recommend them!
I walked into that class believing that I could not keep plants alive and that I would undoubtedly a) do a bad job planting the little succulents and/or b) kill them soon afterward.
Instead, those little succs are still alive and well, looking adorable in the amazing planter I decorated that night. I’ve since taken a second Plant Nite class with Z so she could catch the bug, too. I even took a third Plant Nite class to get a friend hooked. We’ve literally added dozens of succs to our collection over the past year.

Succulents are a super fun hobby and something that kids really enjoy, too. Z and I both love planting them in cute pots, decorating their environments, caring for them and best of all, finding new succs on sale – at Kroger, for example, at 10 for $10.
There was something about that first Plant Nite class that was pure magic for me. Digging in the dirt, caring for plants and decorating their little habitat is just so much fun! Plus I learned a lot of great tips and techniques at that class – enough that I’ve been able to replicate their methods many times since with succulents I’ve purchased elsewhere.
We always keep potting soil, rocks and gravel materials with our craft supplies now. We’re constantly on the lookout for rare succulents (variegated string of pearls, anyone?) and good deals on cute pots and planters, plus adorable accessories to enhance our collection.
I’m sure many people could teach themselves about how to plant, care for and decorate succulents, but since I wasn’t a plant person for most of my life, I really benefited from the hands-on instruction and input provided at Plant Nite. I’m so proud that I turned around my former plant-killing ways and became an actual green thumb person!
One of the best things about succulents is that they thrive on neglect; you can ignore them and they do well. They only need to be watered once a month and they brighten up any room.
If you’re looking for a fun hobby to do with family or friends, along with a way to beautify your home with lovely desert plants, then I highly recommend that you jump in on the ongoing succulents craze by taking a Plant Nite class near you.
Have you taken a Plant Nite or other plant-related class? I’d love to hear your green stories in the comments below or over on Facebook.
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