Dare me to try the new sweatpant jeans?!

My love of comfy pants is second to none.

I remember a time long ago when there really were only two options for everyday life: jeans or sweats. At the end of the day, I would race home from school, tear off my jeans and throw on sweatpants like my life depended on it. Ahh, sweet blissful comfort.

In today’s times, we have so many more options. There is an entire spectrum of comfy pants, from those you might wear to work out, to joggers that look almost nice enough to wear for work and yoga pants that actually ARE nice enough to wear to work.

And, at the opposite end of the spectrum, there are the favorite pants of every middle and high schooler: straight-up flannel PJs. I can’t even cringe or complain about our teen daughter’s obsession with these, since I used to leave the house in Lularoe leggings.

Anyway, I’ve written before about my love of comfy pants and my quest to find the perfect bottom-half attire. So far, 2025 has presented an interesting new option that I honestly had never even considered before: sweatpants jeans. Yes, sweatpants jeans are allegedly “taking the Internet by storm.”

Available everywhere from Nordstrom to Gap to Good American, these miracle duds supposedly look like jeans but feel like sweatpants. InStyle magazine is obsessed with them and really pushing them hard with at least three articles about them since 2025 began.

And I have to admit, I’ve seen the Halara version of these soft, comfy jeans all over my social feed. From Facebook to Instagram to TikTok, I’ve seen videos of women of all sizes raving about how comfortable they are and how they “look just like stylish wide-leg jeans.”

So what do you think, friends and dear readers… dare me to try a pair?

Oh, who am I kidding – of course, I had to try them. I was skeptical but hopeful as I placed the order. Pro tip: don’t ever buy from Halara without a discount code, as plenty can be found. That helped lower the cost to just under $50 – not bad for a pair of comfy jeans.

The package arrived and I was nervous but excited as I opened it. They felt like a soft pair of flowy pants with a stretchy waistband and pull-on styling. They reminded me a bit of pants my mom wore back in the 70s!

I pulled them on and did NOT feel like I was wearing jeans. They are super soft and comfortable, as promised. But… the real question is: do they truly look like jeans? I scrutinized myself in the mirror and I actually think they do!

I knew I had to get a second opinion. Teenagers love to give fashion advice – and mine can be BRUTAL – but I was ready.

“Can I pull these off, Z? What do you think?” I asked nervously, as I nonchalantly paraded in front of her in my new comfy sweatpants jeans.

“Wow, Mom. I like them. You actually look kind of stylish,” was her surprised response. She took the photos of me above. Not only am I totally comfortable, but I can also pass the teen daughter vibe check?! Score one for me!

If you haven’t tried the new soft, comfy sweatpants jeans trend yet, I don’t blame you; it sounds too good to be true. But if a chubby 50-something mom can pull them off, I am confident you can, too. I am super happy I took the risk and I will be wearing my pair until they fall apart!

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About the author

Proud and loving midlife mama. Lucky and devoted wife. Dog, cat and snake mom. Travel nut. Natural born writer. PR and social media pro by day - tattoo doula by night.
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