March 14, 2025 I’m finally sharing my C-section birth story, 15 years in I’ve never blogged about my birth story before. I journaled about it at the time, and I’ve posted bits and pieces of the story…
June 10, 2024 Hand, foot and mouth disease is the absolute worst I’m typically a pretty positive person – some might even say too positive. That’s why you may be shocked to hear that I feel…
November 29, 2023 Who wants FREE tickets to Fantasy of Lights? Every year, I look forward to driving through the magical holiday experience known as Butch Bando’s Fantasy of Lights. Located in the Alum Creek…
November 22, 2023 Why toddler parents love drive-throughs Blast from the past: This post was originally published in 2012. I still love drive-throughs, but now it’s because it’s a fun thing to…
November 4, 2023 Why we STILL love attachment parenting When you think of attachment parenting, what image comes to mind? For me it’s quite literal: a mom or dad wearing their baby, snuggled…
May 24, 2023 We’re big on nicknames in our family Everyone in our house has at least half a dozen or more nicknames. We just love nicknames! All three of us are likely to…
May 17, 2023 Potty training for beginners Blast from the past: this post was originally published in May 2012. I had no idea what to expect with regard to potty training….
May 15, 2023 Are you mom enough? Blast from the past: this post was originally published on May 11, 2012. Words cannot possibly describe how much I hate the headline on…
May 8, 2023 A mom by any name Blast from the past! This post was originally published on June 2, 2012. I once read that “Mama” is the same in many languages…
October 15, 2022 Math is a breeze with “Multiply” from The Wise Channel Do you have a budding mathematician at your house? We do not. I have found it can be hard to get these modern kids…