January 27, 2023 4 things you need in your self-care toolbox I’ve always found it amazing that we’re taught so many things in school and life, but not the most important things of all. For…
November 23, 2022 Keep calm and… just stay that way I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty calm, easygoing and steady person. I work in a field where business crises are likely to…
June 23, 2022 What does it mean to be neurodivergent? As a kid in the 80s, I had a big back-pocket comb that proudly proclaimed “Why Be Normal?” While I lost the comb long…
June 17, 2022 What’s more important – mental or physical health? I’d like to ask you an essential life question. Which do you think is more important – mental or physical health? It’s a bit…
May 14, 2022 Two little words can help kids with their mental health These are tough times for all of us – but possibly hardest of all on children and adolescents. The US Surgeon General recently issued…
April 4, 2022 Do you know how to be there for loved ones during hard times? How much do you know about effectively being there for others who are hurting? Recently, I took a free online course called “Be There”…
January 30, 2022 What’s really going on with Pete Davidson? Are you one of the many who wonder why incredibly gorgeous women continue to fall head over heels in love with schlubby comedian Pete…
December 9, 2021 Talking to kids about suicide can save a life Suicide is a very heavy topic, but it’s critical that we talk about it – especially with kids. Did you know that, nationwide, suicide…
October 20, 2021 Ending the stigma around kids and mental illness Two children have chronic, potentially life threatening diseases that require hospitalization. One illness impacts the body. That child may get cards, balloons, calls, visits…
October 6, 2021 What it’s like to have a skin picking disorder I have dermatillomania. That is a terrible name. Anytime a diagnosis has “mania” in it, you know it’s not good. There’s another name for…