January 14, 2017 This just got real. Why is it that I can drag myself out of bed at 4 am, drive on dark (even snowy or icy) roads to…
January 1, 2017 My RNS progress update It’s January – new month, new year! So many people are starting health and fitness programs right now. There’s a lot of muscle soreness…
December 26, 2016 My hair test “intolerance” results One of the reasons I was most excited to sign on with Rock N Shock Fitness was the promise of an intriguing DNA hair…
December 9, 2016 20% gym, 80% life My eating is holding me back. There, I said it. My workouts this year have been terrific. I did 21 Day Fix for a…
December 4, 2016 What 100% means to me At RNS, I am working out harder and more intensely than I EVER have before, putting in way more effort and truly giving it…
November 13, 2016 Two classes in… I’m hooked! Friends, let me tell you about a gym so clean and pretty and full of bad@ss quotes that just walking into it makes you…
November 6, 2016 Workouts you’ll feel for days This week, I set foot in the Rock N Shock Fitness gym to train with Master Breaker Danielle for the first time. This wasn’t…
November 3, 2016 How I got lucky at Chop5 I just stumbled into the brand new fast casual restaurant Chop 5 Salad Kitchen today on Polaris after my workout and had an amazing,…
October 28, 2016 Testing Day at Rock N Shock! Today I visited Rock N Shock Fitness for the second time. The first time was to tour the place, meet Master Breaker Danielle and…
October 18, 2016 My life is about to change Friends and longtime readers know that I’ve struggled with my weight, nutrition and fitness program for years. And when I say “struggled,” what I…