March 21, 2020 My brutal bra drawer makeover Winter tends to drag on a bit in Ohio, so during a recent cold, grey weekend, I set aside a few hours to do…
August 12, 2019 A review of 3 kids’ subscription boxes Since I’ve already shared that I jumped whole-heartedly onto the undies subscription box bandwagon, it’s now time to admit that I’ve also gotten my…
July 12, 2019 MeUndies, Eby and Splendies: an undies-by-mail comparison Who tried not one but three subscription undies programs so they could blog about it? This girl. Who wants to hear about my undies-by-mail…
January 18, 2018 Our favorite boots ever Our darling daughter is growing faster than the speed of light. I swear, every time I turn around she needs new shoes or pants…
November 28, 2017 Recycling old jeans for good I love it when brands I care about do good things. And it’s #GivingTuesday today – something I didn’t realize until I opened Facebook…
July 21, 2017 Friday favorites: online shopping version As you may have figured out by now, I’m a huge fan of direct selling companies like LuLaRoe, Agnes & Dora and of course,…
April 13, 2017 5 favorite things for spring Once upon a time, I used to blog on occasional Fridays about some of my favorite things. I fell out of the habit –…
December 23, 2016 Stella & Dot 101: my top faves Long before I became an independent stylist for Stella & Dot, I was just your ordinary average girl who loves pretty jewelry. But I…
October 30, 2016 Joining club “side hustle” Last week, I heard an offer I couldn’t refuse and signed on as a Stella & Dot independent stylist. I wasn’t looking for another…
September 16, 2016 Top 3 Columbus GNOs GNO. Girls Night Out. Rarely have three little letters or words come to mean so much to me. Between work, being a mom and…