February 25, 2014 The wonderful Wonder Room As you may have noticed by now, if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, I’m a what you might call…
February 24, 2014 Spelunking we will go Last time I blogged about Olentangy Indian Caverns, we hadn’t been down to the caverns themselves yet. I’m happy to share that before the…
February 21, 2014 Thinking about spring gardens Disclaimer: I was generously provided free tickets from the Columbus Dispatch Home & Garden Show prior to writing this post. In addition, Scotts Miracle-Gro…
February 14, 2014 Friday favorites: Valentine edition Welcome to my elusive, effervescent Friday Favorites series. If you like this post, check out the others that came before! I have been finding some very…
February 11, 2014 A new freezer favorite: Mommade Foods Disclaimer: I was generously provided samples from MomMade Foods prior to writing this post. That said, my opinions are my own and I happily…
February 7, 2014 Real life aquarium adventures When E got a new job working from home in 2013, he said he was going to get himself a fish tank to add…
February 1, 2014 Snow rollers: unexpected winter delight As I’ve written before, I don’t enjoy winter – I survive it. Sometime right around the day after Christmas, the novelty and beauty of…
January 31, 2014 Friday favorites: lips, hips and dust Welcome to my on-again, off-again Friday Favorites series. If you like this post, check out the others that came before! It’s Friday again. Can I…
January 16, 2014 She’s moving out already?! It seems like just yesterday our little girl was turning three, and now… she’s moving out. I just don’t know that I’m ready! Okay,…
January 14, 2014 The truth about nursing for years I’m tired of nursing. 2014 is the year of the Great Wean for us. One way or another, it will all be over soon….