I’ve blogged a lot about animals over the years.
I even recently pulled together a round-up post of all our wild and woolly critter adventures in Ohio and around the world.
Today’s round-up post, however, takes place closer to hearth and home.
This one goes out to the beloved domestic animals who share our hearts and lives: dogs and cats.
Here’s a look at all our past and recent content about canines and felines we’ve loved.
Our furry family
- A puppy and a toddler. Are we nuts? – Adding Autumn to our family before Z was two means that these two have grown up together. This was our wonderful beginning.
- I used to be afraid of dogs – the story of how I transformed from being terrified of dogs to being the world’s biggest dog lover
- Welcoming a cat into a dog household – How Galaxy joined our little canine pack
- Wow, do I love cats – an ode to my favorite animal, the fabulous feline
- Our little rescue dog, Dani – How we decided to add a second dog to our household
- How I lost – and found – our dog – Dani’s almost-tragedy that turned into a happy rescue story
- The story of Jack and Zoe – our daughter’s beloved first dog is no longer with us, but he’s always fondly remembered
- The truth about dogs and kids – some things were meant to be together, like peanut butter and jelly
- Social media saved my dog’s life – when our dog Jack got very ill, we could have euthanized him – but instead we found hope from other dog lovers online
Fostering kitties
- Fostering the tiniest kitten – meet Toothless, the smallest orphaned baby we’ve ever cared for
- Why we foster kittens – my original post about fostering mama cats and kittens
- Kittens cure everything – how fostering mama cat Galaxy and her four tiny kittens got us through the hard, early days of the 2020 Coronavirus crisis
- Welcome home, Galaxy: our #fosterfail – after returning Galaxy and the kittens to the shelter to find adoptive homes, the kittens went home but Galaxy didn’t. That’s when we realized: she’s meant to be ours!
A few other feline and canine friends
- We miss our vacation cat – before we rescued our own precious cat, Galaxy, we had a wonderful “vacation” cat we named Ramses!
- Saving Alex-Henry, a cat rescue story – even before we fostered kitties, we helped reunite a lost cat with his owner over a period of days
- We had a vacation dog in Kauai! – we will never forget sweet Pono, our dog for a day thanks to Kauai Humane Society’s field trips with shelter dogs program
There you have it: proof that dogs and cats are always near and dear to my heart – and this blog.
Got any dog or cat tales of your own to share? I’d love to hear them in the comments below or over on Facebook.